Games | Card Games
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Hero Master Card Game: An Epic Game Of Epic Fails
Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails is a humorous card game of dysfunctional dungeoneering. As one of Snoozehaven's worst adventurers you'll be squabbling over the right to be the Party Leader, avoiding the “take-that” of the bungling buffoons around you and trying to get enough gold to leave ...More...
No. of Players: 2 to 4
Duration: 45 to 60 minutes
Min. Age: 14
Price: £10.00 (RRP is £34.99)
Hero Master Card Game: Snoozehaven Treasure Chest Expansion
To make things easy for those who want to experience all of Snoozehaven's characters and monsters there is the Snoozehaven Treasure Chest. Contains: Hobgoblins & Bandits booster pack, Monstrous Heroes booster pack, New character class: Paladin, New character class: Bard, New character race: Half-Elf, ...More...
No. of Players: 2 to 5
Price: £6.00 (RRP is £29.99)
Hideous Abomination Card Game: Robots And Rot Expansion
Not hideous enough for you?
Freshen up those stale monstrosities (or push them further into decay) with this expansion that adds new ways to play and deeper strategy to Hideous Abomination! Rot tiles make other tiles useless. Robot tiles are automatically bolted down and resist Rot. It's a ...More...
Duration: 10 to 30 minutes
Price: £2.00 (RRP is £6.99)
Hintegers Card Game BGG Rating 6.6 / Count 31
Hintegers is the social game of figuring out what number someone is thinking of. Each turn, the Hint Giver provides a one word hint related to their category, and secretly selects a number 1 through 10. The other players then play a card trying to match the number. Stumped? Use a lifeline! As the ...More...
No. of Players: 5 to 10
Duration: 20 minutes
Min. Age: 8
Price: £2.50 (RRP is £13.99)
Hold Your Breath Card Game: 5-6 Player Expansion
Hold Your Breath! is the final chapter in the "Get Bit Casual Trilogy" by Mayday Games, but you don't need to know anything about the first two games in the series to play this one. This expansion allows up to 2 extra players to play Hold Your Breath!
No. of Players: 2 to 6
Duration: 15 minutes
Price: £1.50 (RRP is £9.99)
Hook! Card Game
You will either play a pirate or a seaman. Every round, you will use one of your 3 Sight tiles to cathc as many parrots as possible, hit the opposing pirates and seamen, take cover behind barrels and bird cages to avoid hits, or drink rum to get oblivious to the pain. If you get hit too many times, ...More...
No. of Players: 3 to 6
Duration: 20 to 30 minutes
Price: £3.00 (RRP is £13.99)
I Can't Even With These Monsters Card Game
I Can't Even starts with a single rule: The player with the highest odd score wins! Play different Monsters to gain points, but watch out! Opponents will try to sabotage you and interfere with your plans. Will you collect safely, sabotage rivals, or go for the big play yourself? Every game is filled ...More...
Price: £3.00 (RRP is £23.99)
In Or Out Card Game
Welcome to In or Out, the party game in which knowing what is not the answer is as important as knowing what is! Each category has twelve cards with names of people, places, or things that may or may not fit the category. Each player, in turn, selects one card from the cards displayed and states ...More...
Duration: 30 minutes
Min. Age: 10
Price: £5.00 (RRP is £17.99)
Internal Affairs Card Game
In Hong Kong, the Police and ruthless Triad crime syndicate have both learned they have traitors embedded in their midst and are determined to ferret out these dangerous moles. It's up to you to crack the codes of your foes and learn who is ultimately loyal to whom. But be careful, as your own loyalty ...More...
No. of Players: 2 to 8
Price: £5.00 (RRP is £19.99)
Kill Shot Card Game
Kill Shot is unlike any of our other games.
Kill Shot is ultra fast paced with each terrorist hunt taking only 1 or 2 minutes. An entire terrorist campaign takes less than 20 minutes.
Kill Shot is a speed card game played in real-time, like a firefight. As you and your friends frantically ...More...
King's Struggle Card Game BGG Rating 5.8 / Count 102
Welcome to Kings' Struggle, a negotiation-focused card game with elements of trick-taking and set collection. The game is mechanically simple, with each player playing just one card per round, and each game lasting only seven rounds. Over the course of these seven rounds, players vie to win cards ...More...
Duration: 30 to 60 minutes
K'uh Nah Card Game BGG Rating 6.7 / Count 91
K'uh Nah (Mayan for divine house) is a quick, push-your-luck style game where players are attempting to build the most perfectly shaped pyramid by avoiding the blocks they do not want and obtaining the ones they do want! Be careful, because you must always place a lighter block on top of a heavier ...More...
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The River Board Game
Talisman Board Game: Star Wars Edition
Keydoms Dragons Board Game
Endure The Stars Board Game: Kickstarter Crew Expansion
Endure The Stars Board Game: Cybernetic Onslaught Expansion
Troll Hunt Board Game
Venice Board Game
Undo Card Game: Cherry Blossom Festival
Passing Through Petra Board Game
Endure The Stars Board Game Version 1
Mandala Stones Board Game
Mandala Stones Board Game: Harmony Expansion